Published inILLUMINATIONProcrastibaking, Netflix and My PhoneEverything I need to keep myself from writing.Dec 21, 2020Dec 21, 2020
Published inILLUMINATIONPiecrust for Everyone — Easy, I PromiseA perfect piecrust is not that difficult, really. This technique, using your food processor can turn your pies into delicious works of art.Dec 18, 2020Dec 18, 2020
Published inILLUMINATIONA Hanukkah Miracle — Vaccine StyleDo you know the story of Hanukkah? Did a new version of the Hanukkah miracle just occur?Dec 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020
Published inILLUMINATIONRaise Your Children To Be OrdinaryIf you want your children to be happy, expect them to do average things. Don’t burden them with your expectation that they should be…Dec 16, 20201Dec 16, 20201
Hey Medium, Can You Help Me With My MarketingMy writing is entertaining. Someone at Medium must think so, I get pieces curated all the time. But I am an idiot at marketing my own work…Dec 15, 20201Dec 15, 20201
Published inILLUMINATIONA Perfect Palindrome And Other Coming Bright SpotsAccording to some predictions, 2021 is going to be so bright you’ll be looking straight at the sun. There is likely no need to worry about…Dec 15, 2020Dec 15, 2020
Published inILLUMINATIONHow to Bake a Perfect BaguetteBaking is really just effort, practice and patience combined into a perfect recipe. Baguettes are a good medium for mastering all three…Dec 14, 2020Dec 14, 2020
Published inILLUMINATIONI’m That Old Lady Everybody HatesI have no problem at 60 telling you what’s on my mind.Dec 14, 20201Dec 14, 20201
Published inILLUMINATIONIn an Alternate UniverseAll of the sacrifice we have been making doesn’t exist in my alternate universe. It appears that embracing magical thinking has no…Dec 13, 20201Dec 13, 20201
Published inILLUMINATIONDark Chocolate is a Gateway DrugThose dark chocolate indulgences are just the beginning of a lurking addiction. Step away from that 88% cacao bar if you want to preserve…Dec 13, 20204Dec 13, 20204